
François Plumart. Portrait Painter
François Plumart reduces the palette to a minimum, with no mixing. He uses exclusively titanium white and various blacks selected for their specific qualities, in layered glazes. Using wood panels he prepares according to methods used since the Middle-Ages, he works directly, with no preliminary sketch, using warm and cold tints and other color effects generated exclusively from black and white, without the usual adjunction of other colors.
Born in 1960 near Paris, France, François studied fine arts at the Orleans School of visual Arts [Academy of Art and Design, Orleans.] After years of research on the media and techniques of the old Flemish masters Van Eyck, Rubens and Van Dyck, he acquired a passion for portraiture, which was considered for centuries as a major form on the path to mastery of painting, but which, after 1945, lost ground to photography, an art considered more modern. Beyond an opportunity to delve deeper in his original explorations on the color effects of black and white painting, and the study of opalescence which Goethe himself never could theorize, portraiture represents for François the sharing of strong emotions; for this art form is a social connection, each portrait having an individual history.
The originality of François’ work is recognized by ADAGP (Société des Auteurs dans les Arts Plastiques et Graphiques).
1981-1985: Studies at Orleans's Visual Art School. Student of the painter Lucien Fleury and Marie-Cécile Froment, icons painter.
1985-1989: Rent of a personal studio rue de Bourgogne in Orléans, recherches picturales et étude des médiums des Primitifs Flamands.
1985-1991: Etudes de l'anatomie artistique à travers le modèle vivant avec mr Hervé, professeur de l'IAV et cours avec Mlle Froment, peintre d'icones et professeur de l'IAV. Exposition collective avec l'Association des Artistes Orléanais et exposition personnelle à la Maison des Associations d'Orléans.
1989: Réalisation de peintures murales pour l'Association Escale (Cités de La Source- Orléans.)
1991: Commandes officielles de la mairie d'Orléans - Réalisation, en partenariat avec l'OPHLM et les maternelles et primaires d'Orléans (400 enfants) de huit peintures murales de 3mx10m dans les cités d'Orléans- La Source.
2010: Statut professionnel d'Artiste-Auteur (Inscription à la Maison des Artistes.)
Depuis: Exécution de portraits pour la France, l'Allemagne, les Etats-Unis et l'Australie.
Vit aujourd'hui en Vendee, Pays de Loire, France.
Membre de diverses associations:
- Vouvant Village de Peintres. Commissaire d'exposition de l'association.
- Beaux- Arts Découverte, partenaire du Salon d'Automne pour promouvoir les jeunes talents.(Salon International Arbustes, parrainé par le ministère de la Culture.)
Last exhibition:
- Artshopping 2016. International Art Fair. Carroussel du Louvre. Paris (France.)
Permanent exhibitions:
- Gallery Saatchi Art
- Gallery Artfinder
Canoline Critiks:
Web pages and content
All Rights Reserved:
© ADAGP, Paris 2015
La Maison des Artistes: Numéro d'ordre P728308
Numéro Siret: 528 671 043 00016 APE 90.03A
Copyright:©ADAGP, Paris
Toute reproduction ou représentation d'une oeuvre de François Plumart doit être accompagnée des mentions suivante_______________________________________________________________________
"For myself, I cannot live without my art. But I have never placed it above everything. If, on the other hand, I need it, it is because it cannot be separated from my fellow men, and it allows me to live, such as I am, on one level with them. It is a means of stirring the greatest number of people by offering them a privileged picture of common joys and sufferings. It obliges the artist not to keep himself apart; it subjects him to the most humble and the most universal truth. And often he who has chosen the fate of the artist because he felt himself to be different soon realizes that he can maintain neither his art nor his difference unless he admits that he is like the others. The artist forges himself to the others, midway between the beauty he cannot do without and the community he cannot tear himself away from. That is why true artists scorn nothing: they are obliged to understand rather than to judge. And if they have to take sides in this world, they can perhaps side only with that society in which, according to Nietzsche's great words, not the judge but the creator will rule, whether he be a worker or an intellectual. "
Albert Camus, discours de réception du prix Nobel,1957
François Plumart - Epagne, 5 rue des Corons 85120 St Maurice des Noues. Tel: 0673717060.

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